New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
Calyx Global has to date assessed and rated 713 carbon projects across more than 26 different project types. Projects rated include removals and avoided emissions across nature-based to technology-based project types, from 8 different crediting standards and over 50 methodologies. When accounting for ratings of different carbon credit vintages, we have 852 GHG ratings.
We find variability of quality no matter what parameter is selected (type, standard, country, CORSIA eligibility and more). Sometimes the variability goes all the way from high risk (i.e. poor quality) to low risk, sometimes it is less broad, but a range (distribution) is nearly always there. While quality credits can be found in today’s market, there are few credit types that consistently deliver high quality.
The same remark is valid for the contribution to SDGs. Among the 350+ certified projects we've rated (e.g., CCB, SD VISta, Gold Standard for the Global Goals), we find differences in the degree of impact and level of evidence provided. This leads to Calyx SDG Ratings from +1 to +5, with +5 being the best rating that can be obtained in our framework.
Below are two charts that show a distribution of Calyx Ratings. These charts will be updated as our coverage grows.
GHG Risk Rating Distribution
SDG Impact Rating Distribution
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Calyx Global
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